What do the different Know Your Status options mean?

Indicates a person has tested negative for HIV.

HIV-Negative, on PrEP
Indicates a person has tested HIV-negative but is also on PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis). The HIV prevention pill is often known by its brand name, Truvada. When taken daily, PrEP is more than 98% effective at preventing HIV.

Indicates a person has tested positive for HIV.

HIV-Positive, undetectable
Indicates a person has tested positive for HIV but is taking antiretroviral medications resulting in an undetectable viral load. HIV-positive people with undetectable viral loads can live a normal life span, and when one is undetectable it is impossible to transmit the virus.

What we do with your information

When you choose to disclose this information in your profile, other users can see the information. Your HIV status is only searchable by users who have defined themselves as HIV-positive. We do not share this information with third parties unless required to do so by law.

A little more about HIV

Check out our video about HIV (English):

We all have a role to play in the health of our community. That is why we work to promote awareness of HIV with our Know Your Status feature.

Gay men across the globe continue to be disproportionately impacted by HIV. Over 20% of gay men in major urban areas are living with HIV.

HIV is nothing to be ashamed of, and with medication it is a manageable disease. You can take steps to protect your health and prevent HIV.

Early detection can make a difference in your treatment. The sooner you’re tested, the sooner you can take control of your health. While there is no cure for HIV, getting tested often can help you stay healthy by getting on treatment early. Achieving an undetectable viral load means people can live a long and healthy life.

HIV-positive members of our community are strong HIV treatment and prevention advocates. Sharing your positive status can mean strength, empowerment and being an advocate against stigma.

Knowing your status and discussing the status of your sexual partner is how to make informed choices. Knowledge of your status allows you to get early treatment if HIV-positive, or to pursue PrEP and other prevention options to stay negative.

Getting tested is fast, and there are many free testing sites around the world. Get familiar with one and get into a routine of getting tested at least every six months. You have the ability to take control of your health.

We encourage you to share your HIV status in your Hornet profile, and to keep it current. It should be noted that Hornet never shares the sensitive information our users disclose in their profiles. Disclosing your status is nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s good for your health and the community. We can all work together to prevent HIV, reduce stigma and build a stronger community for people of all statuses.