Hornet’s usernames (@…) must contain 15 characters or less, with no special characters. To claim your unique username, please follow these steps:
On Android
- Go to your profile
- Tap Edit Profile
- Type your desired unique username in the Username field
- Tap the check icon on the upper right corner of your screen to confirm
On iOS
- Go to your profile
- Tap Edit Profile
- Type your desired unique username in the Username field
- Tap Save on the upper right corner of your screen to confirm
On Web
- Click your photo thumbnail on the upper right corner and select My Profile
- Click Edit Profile
- Type your desired unique username in the Username field
- Confirm by clicking Save
If you cannot find a solution in our FAQ, please write to us at feedback@hornet.com. It is important that you include your Account ID so that we can trace your account. Your Account ID is located on your profile, on the top center of the screen, and begins with the “@” symbol.