蘇格蘭台灣協會首度邀請 台灣將參加6月22日之愛丁堡彩虹遊行
2019年5月24日起,台灣公民正式享有婚姻平權的自由。同性相愛的兩人,終於可以在這一天開始正式受到法律保障而登記結婚。除此之外,若同性婚姻中的另一半來自同性婚姻保障的國家者,一樣可以在台灣透過法律辦理結婚。 這一天讓台灣成為亞洲第一個受法律保障的婚姻平權國家。
2019年6 月22日,蘇格蘭台灣協會將與駐蘇格蘭台灣代表處,在蘇格蘭的首都,首度代表台灣,參加蘇格蘭最大的愛丁堡彩虹遊行.來自各地的朋友和家人將一起上街,和世界分享來自台灣的我們,如何在亞洲性別平權史上創造新篇章的喜悅和驕傲。
蘇格蘭台灣協會 敬邀
Taiwan takes part in the 22nd Pride Edinburgh
The Taiwanese parliament on 17 May 2019 overwhelmingly voted 66:27 to legalise same sex marriage in Taiwan. This big step further consolidates Taiwan’s belief in equality and human rights. It coincides with their many democratic and liberal allies in the world including Scotland
It is our privilege to share this joy with the world that 24 May 2019 was the first day that Taiwanese citizens may register as lawful same sex couples including when one partner comes from a country outside Taiwan where same sex marriage is recognised. This has made Taiwan the first Asian country to legalise same sex marriage.
On 22 June 2019, Scotland Taiwanese Association in conjunction with Taipei Representative Office in Scotland will be taking part in the 22nd Pride Edinburgh in the Scottish capital. Many of our friends and families will be marching to demonstrate our joy for this new chapter, not only for Taiwan but in making Asian LGBT history.
We wish that many other countries in the world would follow this encouraging movement and may we wish that those countries which currently criminalise same sex activities will eventually reconsider their position by the Taiwanese inspiration.
Scotland Taiwanese Association