資深音樂人郭子扮女裝與猛男開房間 同志微電影《親親壞姊妹》狂喊不要停
活動的六位創始人分別來自台灣、馬來西亞、上海、新加坡和美國 ,今年的活動將與台灣在地推動平權的重要非營利組織台灣彩虹平權大平台協會(前身為婚姻平權大平台)共同合作,活動收益也將捐助彩虹平權大平台。
創始人之一Jennifer Chang Dazols表示, 「我和妻子在美國愛滋騎行(AIDS Lifecycle)當中認識,那是一個在加州為HIV支持服務募資的騎行活動。作為一個台裔美國人,我為能在亞洲發起相似理念的活動而感到驕傲。」
創始人之一Olivia Wu說,「我很興奮能共同舉辦這樣的活動。人們可以在活動中認識新朋友,互相交流,並一起欣賞台灣美麗的風景。」
同婚了,然後呢? 文化部《幻城微光》6月20日新書座談會 廖宏杰 x 徐嘉澤
現在已開放報名。歡迎上官方網站了解更多訊息,同時報名首度的亞洲彩虹騎行www.AsiaRainbowRide.com.,也可寫信至lisa@asiarainbowride.com 諮詢或留言。
In a year when group tours are off limits for most of the world due to COVID, Taiwan’s success at containing the virus allows for the inauguration of the Asia Rainbow Ride, a charity bike ride around Taiwan for the LGBT community in Asia.
Right now same-sex activity is outlawed in over 20 Asian countries. Taiwan is leading the forefront in Asia as a model for other countries since passing same sex marriage in 2019.
The ASIA Rainbow Ride is about people coming together who want to ensure the freedom to love in Asia. The ride is for LGBT+, allies, local Taiwanese, and foreign travelers. This annual event is a safe haven for people from around the world to exchange ideas, challenge their physical and mental strength on a bike ride, and raise awareness and money for LGBT+ services in Asia.
The six co-founders have roots in Taiwan, Malaysia, Shanghai, Singapore, and San Francisco. They are collaborating with the local NGO “Taiwan Equality Campaign” (previously known as Marriage Equality Coalition Taiwan) who will be this years beneficiary.
Co-founder Jennifer Chang Dazols says, “my wife and I met while cycling on the AIDS Lifecycle, a charity bike ride that raises millions of dollars for HIV services in California. As a Taiwanese-American, I’m so proud to start a ride with a similar mission and community in Asia.”
Co-founder Olivia Wu follows, “I’m excited to facilitate an experience where new friends can come together to exchange ideas about equality all while enjoying the scenic beauty of Taiwan.”
Jennifer Lu, Executive Director of Taiwan Equality Campaign comments, “As the first country in Asia legalizing the same-sex marriage, it has been a long way. We are still fighting for true equality and welcome to join Asia Rainbow Ride to show our resilience and perseverance”
The Ride is planned for October 24th and 25th, 2020 during Taiwan’s Pride month. Participants will kick off at Fulong and end at Taipei, covering 130 kilometers along the northeast coastline of Taiwan. The event is a ride, not a race, so there is something for cyclists of all levels to enjoy. Organizers hope that by 2022, the Ride will be extended to a 7-day journey circumventing the 910 kilometers around Taiwan.
At the finishing line, riders and supporters will join together at a closing ceremony in the Ximen Red House neighborhood, the heart of the LGBT community.
Registration is now open. For more information or to register for the ASIA Rainbow please visit www.AsiaRainbowRide.com.
You can also email lisa@asiarainbowride.com for further questions or comments.
同婚專法上路滿一週年 彩虹平權大平台啟動「看見彩虹好日|不再恐同集資計畫」