That Racist Fresh Choice Guy Is Also a Trump-Loving Milo Supporter (Video)
If you’ve been on social media today, chances are you’ve seen the viral video of a man threatening to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on employees of a New York City Fresh Kitchen restaurant for speaking Spanish. The man has been identified as a Manhattan lawyer named Aaron Schlossberg, a Trump supporter who has been recorded at protests yelling in support of toxic, gay alt-right douchebag Milo Yiannopoulos.
In the video, Schlossberg says, “Your clients and your staff are speaking Spanish to staff when they should be speaking English. My guess is they’re undocumented, so my next call is to ICE to have each one of them taken out of my country. If they have the balls to come here and live off my money — I pay for their welfare. I pay for their ability to be here.”
Here is the video of Aaron Schlossberg in a Manhattan Fresh Kitchen:
Who this this bigot in Midtown Manhattan? What's his name?
Please share this.
Here he is harassing & insulting two women for speaking Spanish…TO EACH OTHER in the middle of Manhattan.
Trump has empowered ugly white people like this to say whatever they feel like saying. pic.twitter.com/WbHlet6H7c
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) May 16, 2018
Notice that Schlossberg calls America “my country” even though his ancestors are undoubtedly Jewish immigrants. He also immediately assumes that any Spanish speaker in New York City must be an undocumented person, which is an absurd and racist assumption considering that Latinx people make up 27.5% of New York City’s population (with nearly 2,287,905 Latinx people living there).
Regardless, internet sleuths figured out that Schlossberg is an avid Trump supporter who attended a May 2017 rally protesting an upcoming commencement speech by Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian-born political activist who most recently advised Americans to speak out against Israeli Defense Forces killing 62 Palestinian protesters and wounding about 2,400 while Trump Administration envoys celebrated the opening of a controversial United States embassy in Jerusalem on Monday.
During the rally, which included a speech by Milo Yiannapoulos, Schlossberg told a Palestinian rights supporter, “You are not a Jew,” and later began chanting “Milo!” over and over again.
Yiannapoulos considers homosexuality an “aberrant … lifestyle choice guaranteed to bring [gay people] pain and unhappiness.” He’s also the author of such misogynist tripe as “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy” and “The Solution To Online ‘Harassment’ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off.”
Schlossberg has since been criticized on his Facebook business page with many people leaving one-star reviews for his bigotry.