Altitude Adjustment: 5 Things You Do at the Airport That Make You an A-Hole
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Traveling can be stressful. When most people find themselves at an airport, they’re either running late or they’re downright exhausted and ready to arrive at their final destination. But that doesn’t mean any of us should ignore proper airport etiquette.
Being a considerate traveler is in everyone’s best interests, right? With that in mind, we’ve compiled a short list of things not to do while flying. (Nah, we’re not bitter. What makes you say that?)
When traveling, follow these simple rules of airport etiquette:
1. Don’t Be a Drag(ger)
While everyone is stoked that you’ve joined the rest of us in the 21st century by acquiring a bag on wheels, let’s make sure you know how to walk with it. Please don’t drag your luggage two feet behind you; keep it close. In fact, think of it as a part of you — you should always be conscious of where your bag is and in whose way it might be.
2. What’s That Smell?
Hey, all you people in line at [insert overpriced airport restaurant here], don’t even think about boxing up that warm meal and bringing it onto the plane! While you surely deserve a hearty dinner, your fellow travelers don’t deserve smelling roast beef au jus or linguini in clam sauce all the way to JFK.
3. Checkpoint Yourself
Here’s one that only applies to those who have traveled, say, more than once in their life: How do you not know how airport security works?! Take off those shoes before you get to the big radioactive machine, and place that laptop in its own bin!
4. Wait Your GD Turn!
I’m pretty sure it says right on your ticket with which group you’ll be boarding the plane. Didn’t hear whether Group C is ready to board? Ask a fellow traveler. Everyone’s going to the same place, so there’s no need to rush the gate and stand in the way of those who are actually supposed to be boarding. Also unacceptable: crowding the baggage carousel upon landing.
5. Move Ya Ass
Moving walkways (you know, those flat escalators) have been a standard offering at airports for quite a while, though unfortunately some people still don’t know the protocol: If you’ve got all the time in the world and aren’t rushing to a flight, meaning you’re going to stand on the walkway instead of trot, move to the right-hand side. Let your fellow travelers who are in a hurry sail past you to the left, and the airport will be a much more friendly, less stressful place.
Are there any other rules of airport etiquette we left off?
Featured image by izusek via iStock