Brett Kavanaugh’s Gay Former Roommate Just Spilled the Tea and Pulled No Punches
Today we saw Christine Blasey Ford deliver her testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee about her alleged sexual assault at the hands of current Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Ford is now one of multiple women who claim Kavanaugh sexually assaulted them on separate occasions. Now a former Brett Kavanaugh roommate who also attended Yale University has shared stories of Kavanaugh’s drinking habits and a disgusting, vomit-filled dorm suite. A second former Kavanaugh roommate has also said he was “frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.”
The tamer of the two recollections comes from James Roche, the Brett Kavanaugh roommate who shared a two-bedroom unit in Lawrance Hall on Yale’s Old Campus during the fall of 1983.
Roche says they didn’t socialize much, though he did say, “I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk.”
He adds, “I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.”
That same fall term, an openly gay student named Kit Winter moved into the empty one-person bedroom in the three-person suite shared by Kavanaugh and Roche. Before moving in with Roche and Kavanaugh, Winter lived with a man named James Garman but moved out because he liked to stay up later than Garman.
Garman calls Kavanaugh’s three-person suite “a dungeon space,” adding, “It was dark and it was cellar-like, and it was thoroughly creepy.”
Winter confirmed its creepiness, saying its living room housed a keg, a broken lamp, empty drinking cups and lots of trash. He says the shared bathroom was constantly filled with vomit that no one ever cleaned up.
Winter doesn’t remember Roche ever drinking to the point of vomiting, suggesting the vomit instead came from Kavanaugh and his friends. In fact, Winter says of Roche, “[He is] the most stand-up guy you would ever hope to meet. [Roche] stood out as centered, mature — more of a gentleman than the frat boys. He had nice manners.”
One day Winter also came home to find a dead pigeon nailed to his bedroom door (not the front suite door, but his bedroom door), which suggests Kavanaugh either committed the act or at least knows who did.
Garman has also said of Kavanaugh’s fraternity Delta Kappa Epsilon, “There was always more than a strong whiff of sexual violence hanging over the Dekes all the time.”
Kavanaugh has defended himself by saying that while he drank in high school, he never participated in any of the sexual assaults alleged against him. Still, Roche’s and Winter’s recollections at least throw continued serious doubt onto Kavanaugh’s behavior as a teen and young adult.