LGBT Politics: The Latest International Headlines

Joe Biden was sworn into office as the 46th president of the United States on January 20, 2021. One year later, we’re taking a look back — specifically at the Biden administration’s LGBTQ advancements and accomplishments. In the first year of the Biden-Harris administration, President Joe Biden and Vice President[…]
America is in its darkest hour, and only one group can save us from the Trump regime: Juggalos. The Revolution will be wearing clown makeup.
To ensure America remains the tolerant society it was intended to be, we must be intolerant of intolerant ideas
If you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, chances are that your rights and identity have been politicized, debated, and picked apart by complete and total strangers. Small business owners, big corporations, and governments around the world all have something to say about who we date, love, and have sex with.[…]