One of Queen Elizabeth’s Bodyguards Has a Gay Porn Past, and We Love That No One Seems to Mind
Over the last month we’ve heard of several gay men connected to the British Royal Family. There’s Ollie Roberts, the Queen’s 21-year-old gay footman who accompanied her during her public appearance on her birthday; Lord Ivar Mountbatten, who will soon marry in the Royal Family’s first-ever same-sex wedding; and now Dan Broughton, a member of the Household Cavalry who happens to have a gay porn past under the alias Danny Diesel. Refreshingly, no one in the Royal Family seems much bothered by any of it.
The Sword reports (link NSFW) that Broughton has appeared in numerous porn scenes for studios like Blake Mason, Men.com, Spritzz, Hard Brit Lads, UK Naked Men, UK Hot Jocks, Staxus and English Lads.
Dan Broughton also performed in scenes with well-known porn performers like Paddy O’Brian, Colby Jensen and Woody Fox, often as a bottom. It’s been several years since he has starred in any new porn scenes, it seems, though he also won the title of Mr. Gay U.K. in 2007.
The Household Cavalry is actually the name for the horse-mounted men who serve as the Queen’s bodyguards. Though they were officially formed in 1992, their roots stretch all the way back to 1660. Broughton himself wore his plumed and gold-helmeted uniform as a mounted escort during the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s carriage tour through Windsor following their May 19 wedding ceremony.
You might think Dan Broughton’s porn past would’ve caused a minor scandal in the Royal Family, but it seems they’ve simply “kept calm and carried on,” as it were, which is exactly as it should be. After all, there’s nothing wrong with having a sex life, recording your sexual encounters for others to enjoy or even selling these videos for money, just as long as it’s all consensual. Thousands of people have done it, and it really isn’t a reflection of a person’s moral character — it’s just sex and business.
Considering that gay porn stars have been fired in the United States for their porn pasts — including performer Kurt Wild who was fired in 2008 from a Subway sandwich franchise after a customer recognized him and Collin O’Neal who was fired from being a school teacher in 2011 — it’s nice that the British royal family is nowhere near as uptight as we are about (gasp) gay porn performers existing within their ranks.