This New Social Media Scam Is Taking Advantage of Gay Men Who Want to Appear in Adult Films
Scams carried out through social media and email are nothing new, but the latest to come to our attention involves someone posing as a “recruiter” for the legendary gay adult film studio Falcon. This gay porn scam is an attempt to take money from unsuspecting guys who are interested in appearing in adult films.
Falcon Studios Group has since taken the initiative to warn guys around the world about this gay porn scam before they can fall victim. According to the studio, this elaborate scam is mostly taking place on Grindr and Instagram.
The individual (or individuals) responsible for this gay porn scam creates a fake profile posing as an adult film star looking to “recruit” other gay men to appear on camera. To spark interest, the profile typically messages sexy photos, video clips and promises that appearing on-camera in a Falcon Studios film pays around $3,000.
The gay men being scammed are told they have to pay around $1,000 as a “deposit” to secure a contract, filming date, fees associated with STI testing and more. The scammers are even going so far as to draft a fake model contract with the Falcon Studios logo (pictured below).
Falcon insists this is not how the gay adult film industry works. Models are not charged deposits or fees of any kind, but are instead paid to appear in on-camera work, including travel and accommodations.
Adam Q. Robinson, Falcon’s VP of Production, tells Hornet, “Our top priority is always the well-being of everyone we work with, including potential models. We encourage prospective performers to submit their application [you can do so here], and if they’re a fit for an upcoming production, they will be contacted by either myself or one of our directors, but they will never be asked to pay any money to us under any circumstances.”
“We feel for anyone who has been scammed out of money to appear in our movies and hope we can raise awareness about this so nobody else is deceived or exploited. We’re committed to do anything we can to ensure that nobody else falls victim to this blatant misrepresentation and fraud,” says Falcon Studios Group and NakedSword Network President Tim Valenti.
Falcon encourages any guys who recognize this gay porn scam to report it to local authorities, and to verify the validity of any messages appearing to come from the adult film studio by emailing report@falconstudios.com.