This Weekend’s Global Pride 2020 Is Set to Be the World’s Biggest LGBTQ Event Ever
The LGBTQ community is resilient, which means that when COVID-19 canceled in-person celebrations and events around the world, including our beloved annual Pride festivals, we didn’t even consider canceling Pride Month outright. We’ve fought way too hard for that! And that’s why Global Pride 2020, a 24-hour virtual Pride celebration — set to kick off in only a few hours’ time and featuring artists, activists and celebrities from all over the world — is the perfect way to celebrate Pride during this current pandemic.
After hundreds of Pride marches and celebratory events were canceled or postponed due to Coronavirus, an opportunity presented itself: a truly international Pride event that brings together people from all parts of the world, uniting for a single cause. Global Pride 2020 launched on April 1 as a partnership between large organizations (InterPride, the European Pride Organisers Association) and several national, regional and local Pride networks the world over.
On Saturday, June 27, the live-streamed event will begin, featuring musical performances, speeches and messages from LGBTQ and allied activists, with different parts of the world being highlighted over the course of the 24-hour digital event. (Kinda like a New Year’s Eve telecast that takes place at different times for different time zones!)