A Man Named ‘Jesus Christianity’ Was Just Jailed For Threatening to Blow Up a Welsh Pride Celebration
If you’ve got one of those old “What Would Jesus Do?” bracelets, make sure to choose your Jesus carefully. You’ll definitely not want to do what Jesus Christianity does. Christianity is a Welsh man who has just been jailed for 17 months for threatening to blow up a Cardiff Pride march with a bomb in his backpack.
Last August, during Pride Cymru (Cymru is “Wales” in Welsh), Christianity was on a train with several people heading to Pride. He shouted Bible quotes at passengers. He broke out the old nonsense about how it’s “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam.” He finished his tirade by telling the passengers, “I’m going to Pride now, and I’ve got a bomb in my backpack.”
Thankfully, Jesus Christianity was lying; he had no bomb, and there was no evidence he was actually planning an attack. However, that wasn’t Christianity’s only run-in with the law. A few weeks later, he was arrested for threatening to burn his apartment building down because he was bothered by the workmen in a neighbor’s house.
Christianity’s lawyer, Ruth Smith, said that Christianity’s threats shouldn’t be taken seriously. She said:
These are spontaneous reactions to things that he finds stressful to him. He says he has no hostility towards people who are gay. He took no steps on either occasion to act upon the threats he made. He has been diagnosed with anxiety. There’s clear psychiatric difficulties but psychiatrists have not always been in agreement about his diagnosis.
Smith blamed Christianity’s Pride tirade on his dislike of public transportation rather than any deeply held homophobia. Judge Neil Bidder, however, said while he accepted that Christianity was sorry for his comments, he didn’t buy that Christianity wasn’t homophobic.
He did however point out that whatever the motivations, Jesus Christianity’s actions upset his fellow passengers and put ‘strain on already stretched police resources.’