Despite the PRI’s Turn to Conservatism, LGBTQ Activists in Mexico Are Fighting Back
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The rights of LGBT Mexicans have been thrust into Mexican headlines after a candidate for the head of government of Mexico City came out opposed to LGBT adoptions. Mikel Arriola, the PRI candidate recently came out against gay adoptions, abortion and marijuana. But Mexican LGBT activists responded firmly and unequivocally — they will not move backwards.
It’s a presidential election year in Mexico and this latest gaffe is another opportunity for LGBT activists to ensure that candidates address and prioritize the issues affecting our community. The PRI is the party in power; despite Arriola’s comments, the PRI is seen as a more liberal, if centrist, party. However, statements like this are a step backwards for the PRI, and may indicate the party beginning to embrace conservativism. Fortunately, LGBT activists are prepared.
In January, the first meeting of the LGBTTTI + Mexican Coalition was held at Mexico City’s Human Rights Commission. 192 LGBTQ activists attended from various parts of the Mexican Republic.
“The coalition is born out of the concern that the agenda of sexual diversity is not welcomed by any of the presidential candidates. This is a genuine attempt among activists to stand in solidarity and show we can work together, to be heard in the next elections, ” said Alex Orué, Executive Director of It Gets Better Mexico and spokesperson for the coalition.
There are all sorts of people working for LGBT rights in Mexico. Genaro Lozano, whom you can see in the video above, is a talented journalist, TV host and political scientist. He’s also a visible member of the LGBT community who speaks out for human rights and social justice.
Writers, bloggers and influencers have also passionately defended LGBT rights in Mexico. Pepe y Teo are gay influencers who utilize their platform to bring visibility to our community and challenge the traditional notions of machismo and sexuality.
Though the presidential election is still months away, it’s likely that the rights of LGBT people will become a political issue. However, it’s important to remember human rights are fundamental — not determined by the will of the majority. LGBT rights are human rights. Activists in Mexico are determined, organized and will not stop until full equality is achieved.