Watch This Maryland Candidate Kiss His Husband in a Campaign Ad to ‘Piss Off’ Trump
One of our favorite things about the upcoming 2018 midterm elections is how progressive candidates have stopped pulling their punches. Last month we told you about the ad from Pat Davis, running for Congress in New Mexico, who opened his ad with “Fuck the NRA.” And now we’ve got the latest Richard Madaleno campaign ad. Called “Take That,” it’s a direct attack on Donald Trump’s policies. If that weren’t great enough, it ends with the very first same-sex kiss in a gubernatorial campaign ad.
Richard Maladeno, currently a state Senator in Maryland, is running for governor of the state. In his latest ad, Maladeno sits on some steps and explains, “I’m running for governor to deliver progressive results and to stand up to Donald Trump. Here are a few of the things that I’ve done that already infuriate him. I protected Planned Parenthood from the Republicans in Congress. I helped ban assault weapons in Maryland. I believe in public schools, not vouchers. And what’s the number one way I piss off Donald Trump and the Republicans?”
As he says that last line, Richard Maladeno kisses his husband, Mark Hodge, on the lips and says, “Take that, Trump.”
Best of all, the ad first aired yesterday morning during Fox and Friends, the morning show Donald Trump watches every morning. (John Oliver frequently buys ad time on that program for his “Catheter Cowboy” character, who explains policy issues to Trump.)
If elected, Richard Madaleno would become the first openly gay governor of Maryland. He’s already the first openly gay member of Maryland’s General Assembly.
Unfortunately, Madaleno is currently polling at 6%, coming fourth in a list of seven Democratic candidates for the upcoming primary. Ben Jealous, the current frontrunner, is polling at 21%.
The state’s Democratic primary is June 26.