New Hornet Survey Names the Winner of the Mexican Presidential Election’s Gay Vote
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While the results weren’t too surprising, there are key lessons to be learned from the information. Of the nearly 3,000 respondents, 94% confirmed they’re planning to vote. Another 2.21% said they absolutely will not vote and 3.27% has not yet decided whether to vote or not.
The candidate who headed our survey was Andrés Manuel López Obrador with 62.54%, followed by Anaya with 26.5%. Rounding out our list was Meade with 6.63%, Zavala with 2.88% (though Zavala has since dropped out) and Bronco with 1.46%.
Our survey skewed younger. The bulk of the respondents, 41.79%, were between 25 and 35 years old. Next, 27.94% were between 18 and 25 years old. 9.34% of respondents were between the ages 35-45, 8.6% between 45-55 and 2.33% are over 55.
According to our survey, public safety is the most important issue, followed by violence, economic growth, corruption, poverty and education. The issues they ranked as less important included HIV, human rights and migration security.
We also asked our users if they had voted in the past elections. A surprising 42% say they voted for AMLO in the 2012 elections, 18% for Josefina Vázquez Mota and only 11% supported the current President Enrique Peña Nieto. The lack of support for the current president only reinforces the ongoing narrative that the elections may not have been legitimate. 23% of respondents said they did not vote in the past elections.
The question remains, what has Obrador done to earn the LGBT vote? He has not taken specific actions to demonstrate his commitment to LGBT rights and he has not spoken openly in favor of the LGBT agenda. That said, his campaign coordinator, Tatiana Clouthier, has come out in favor of LGBT rights and sexual diversity. In fact, Obrador is the only candidate with a Secretary of Sexual Diversity.
Still, to this day Obrador has not made a clear, definitive comment about his position on LGBT rights. Nor has he reviewed the agenda put forth out by a collective of activists who created the LGBTTTI Mexican Coalition calling for candidates to support the LGBT agenda.
The upcoming LGBT March in Mexico City is the perfect opportunity for Andrés Manuel López Obrador and all the candidates to demonstrate their unequivocal support for LGBT rights. Mexico’s LGBTQ community is looking for concrete action by these candidates. Mexico can’t move forward if LGBTQ people are left behind.