This Mother’s Offer to Be a Stand-In Parent at Same-Sex Weddings Has Gone Viral
Though same-sex marriage has been legal in the U.S. for just over three years now, 37% of Americans still oppose it, including most evangelicals and Republicans. That means plenty of LGBTQ kids might not have their unaccepting Republican or evangelical parents at their weddings. But Sara Cunningham has offered to help them. She’s an Oklahoman LGBTQ ally with a gay son who recently offered via Facebook to “attend the weddings of any same-sex couples who don’t have support from their parents.” She’ll even bring complimentary champagne.
Cunningham made the offer in a public Facebook post this last Friday and it has since gone viral with over 7,700 shares at the time of publication. She has officiated numerous LGBTQ weddings and has heard many soon-to-be LGBTQ spouses mention that their parents won’t acknowledge their relationship, let alone attend their weddings. That’s why she started offering her help.
Not only has her Facebook post gotten her six official wedding invitations, but it has emboldened other parents on Facebook to offer their services as supportive parents and officiants for young LGBTQ people’s weddings.
In addition to offering to attend and officiate young LGBTQ people’s weddings, Sara Cunningham is also the author of How We Sleep at Night: A Mother’s Journey From the Church to the Pride Parade. She is also a self-proclaimed “activist mommy” who is a member of the private Facebook group for mothers of LGBTQ youth called “Mama Bear.”
She has walked at numerous demonstrations holding up a Mama Bear sign offering “Free Mom Hugs” on behalf of moms who love LGBTQ kids.
When asked why she thinks he initial Facebook post went viral, Cunningham said, “People need hope — I sure do — and we need to be that for each other in any way, shape, or form. Hope never disappoints.”