‘Summer Penis’ Is Real, So Look Forward to a More Prodigious Pecker
We’ve all heard about “shrinkage,” but there’s a theory that a man’s penis grows larger in warmer weather, too. As the temperature rises, some guys swear they get “summer penis,” adding inches in length and girth down below.
An article in MEL magazine explored this unusual phenomenon, quoting several Reddit users who say the heat led to bigger penises, better erections and larger testicles.
Is that why some guys like to show off in the steam room?
“Bigger dick in summer and smaller in winter?” posted a Redditor named Guillermo in 2016. “Anybody notices size fluctuation during the year? I know mine is bigger, I have better erections in the summer and I also tend more to of a shower instead of a grower. In the winter, it is the exact contrary. Why is that? More heat = better blood flow? Does that happen to you guys also?”
A number of users piped up to agree: One claimed that in deep winter his penis is about two inches soft. In the hot months, though, it can swell to twice that size (even larger “if I don’t masturbate for a few days”).
Another revealed that he had “summer balls”: “I mean, when it’s hot they like to go down like if they were trying to get to my knee. In winter or cold days they look like a little hard brain.”
Of course, men have been scheming to upsize their shlongs for centuries, but there may be some science to “summer penis.”
“[W]hen it’s hot outside, you may take in more water, which may in combination with the sweating make it appear like your body or skin is bloated,” urologist Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt told reporter Tracy Moore. “And that may give you the perception that things are larger.”
And, just like blood vessels contract when confronted with cold, they expand when warm to regulate heat.
“The warmer the ambient environment, the more the blood vessels dilate, and the warmth allowing vasodilation increases blood flow,” urologist Dudley Danoff tells Moore. “So if we think of the penis as these two sausage casings that fill with blood, and the one channel that carries the urine, then the sausage casing will swell and expand to its genetic limit depending on the volume of blood. The increased blood flow will increase, and the corpora [the erectile tissue] will be expanded, and the penis will be ‘larger.’”
Unsettling metaphors about sausage aside, Danoff says the increased blood flow wouldn’t hold true when the penis is flaccid, but Dr. Jesse Mills director of the Men’s Clinic at UCLA disagrees. Mills has told Health.com, “penile size in the flaccid state is purely a function of how much blood flow is circulating in the penis. The warmer the environment, the more ‘show’ a man is going to have.”
What are your experiences with “summer penis”?
This article was originally published on August 29, 2020. It has since been updated.