
A medley of diverse cultures and good-natured locals await the traveler checking out this list of LGBT Asian Nightlife spots.
Japanese Boys Love manga (BL) has been steadily gaining popularity over the past decade. For the non-indoctrinated, this type of manga depicts exactly what one would assume: the romance and sexual tension between two men. The genre was developed by a group of women in the 1970s — often called[…]
Kabuki theater, known for its elaborate costumes and heavily stylized performances, is an interesting and noteworthy performance of gender. While Japan’s anti-discrimination laws for LGBTQ+ people are non-existent, the country “has a long, well-established tradition of genderbending for entertainment” and depicting somewhat ambiguous same-sex attraction in films and comics. In[…]
While there are a number of outstanding queer anime and manga now, it wasn’t always so — and we have internet anime fans to thank for that