The Guy Who Smashed Trump’s Hollywood Star Was Bailed Out by the One Who Did It Last Time (Video)
At 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning, 24-year-old Austin Clay pulled a pickaxe out from his guitar case and destroyed the Donald Trump star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He has since been charged with felony vandalism with a $20,000 bail. But in an interesting twist, James Otis, the guy who dressed up like a construction worker to destroy the Trump star with a sledgehammer and pickaxe on Oct. 26, 2016, has bailed Clay out.
A witness named David Palmer saw Austin Clay destroying the star on Wednesday morning and reportedly asked Clay, “Why are you hitting that star? What did Donald Trump do to you?” Palmer says Clay didn’t respond but simply put down his pickaxe, leaving it at the scene, and disappearing around the corner.
Austin Clay immediately called the cops and turned himself over to the Beverly Hills police. Clay now faces three years in prison for his vandalism of the Trump star.
James Otis pled no contest to his 2016 felony vandalism charge and received a $4,400 fine and 20 days of community service. It reportedly took a month to restore the Trump star.
Here’s video of Austin Clay destroying the Trump star on the Walk of Fame:
After having bailed him out of jail, Otis says he’d like to meet with Austin Clay after he’s released from jail.
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The Trump star has become a regular target for vandals. People have scrawled the word “racist” on it, drawn a swastika on it, dropped dog feces on it, urinated on it and blocked it from the rest of America with tiny small wire-topped walls. Numerous Los Angeles tourists have taken pictures of themselves abusing it.
Trump received the star in 2007 for his work on the reality TV competition show The Apprentice.