Exclusive: Bianca Del Rio Chats About a New Book, New Movie and Trash-Talking With Joan Rivers
In today’s world of fake news and Real Housewives, there’s never a shortage of things to discuss with the ever-opinionated Bianca Del Rio. Following both the release of new book Blame It on Bianca Del Rio and the upcoming film Hurricane Bianca 2: From Russia With Hate, Del Rio was ready to dish — not just on his new projects but on Michelle Wolf and her White House Corespondents Dinner speech, the late great Joan Rivers and whatever else came to mind.
True to his book, Del Rio really does have an opinion on everything.
HORNET: What made you want to put your roaring persona into book form with Blame It on Bianca Del Rio?
BIANCA DEL RIO: Well, I had been approached to write a book. But I didn’t want to write about myself. That was actually the first offer, and I said no. I thought the way that I did eventually end up doing it would be a great way to collect all of my ridiculous thoughts. I also thought it would be great for me to give advice as well.
One thing I’ve found interesting during the process is that so many people have questions for drag queens. Everything from what eyeliner do I use, what lipstick is that, why were you born? [Laughs] I figured that they were great things to discuss with other people.
Is there anything you wouldn’t write about? Anything that goes too far?
No! I think that’s the problem. Consider the source! I’m not an actual physician. Who would ask me these questions?! I just find it funny. You get a stupid question and you give them a stupid answer. Some people are just idiots. [Laughs]
For those of us who want to go as Bianca Del Rio for Halloween, what would you say is crucial to getting it right?
Lashes and a bad attitude.
I’m dying to hear your thoughts about Michelle Wolf’s performance at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
I think it was genius. I think more people need to do it, but on a serious level. She was making jokes out of it, which is really funny because it was all the truth. Sadly, no one has stood up and said any of that as a serious person.
This administration is a hot fucking mess. Each day there’s more scandal than you can imagine, and none of it makes sense. The bottom line is that they’re just lying, crooked motherfuckers, but no one can stand up and say that.
I can only hope that some Republican or someone in Congress will stand up and say that, but they don’t. Michelle Wolf did it, so she’s my hero. Aside from the material, the balls it took to stand up there and do it, you go, bitch! Right there, in their faces. I love a ruthless bitch.
You recently appeared on an episode of Drag Race and did a werkroom walkthrough with Ru. How surreal was it to be back, but on the other side?
You know, I had only been back to the set once since I won. I did something for Season 8, and it wasn’t the same set. Going into the werkroom it’s completely different, but it’s like school: it all smells the same. Even though they switched studios, I’m convinced the smell is just RuPaul. [Laughs]
It was interesting to go back, and you get that little nervous excitement to be there. The great thing was I wasn’t competing, so I didn’t have that added pressure. It did bring back lots of memories. It was a lot of fun, and I was glad I got to do it.
Can we expect another one of your amazing comedy tours soon?
I’m wrapping up the current one in September. Then I will be starting a new one in the new year. You just get right back on the road. I have done most of America with this one already, as well as Australia, Hong Kong and now I head to the U.K. leg of it. A few more months abroad, and then I’m doing another one!
You’re also back with Hurricane Bianca 2: From Russia With Hate. What was it like stepping back into that role?
It was great to get to do it this time. Because of the success of the first one we were able to do the second one. We had some successful sneak previews and screenings of it, and it’s available now.
You did an episode of the web series In Bed With Joan before Joan Rivers passed away, and there are obvious similarities between your comedy. What’s one thing she taught you that you still carry with you?
We had a whole conversation about people we didn’t think were funny. It didn’t air, which was interesting. We were supposed to do 17 minutes and we did an entire hour. I was discussing with her how funny I thought she was without being ass-kissy and how other comedians were doing much larger venues and how as comedians, I didn’t think they were interesting.
We had a whole conversation and went through a list of people, and it was fascinating that she had the same outlook as I did. Even though she was in the position she was in, she had to keep hustling. She was in her 80s — and a comedy legend — and she was still busting her ass. That’s why she was in the position she was in.
It’s laughable now to see some of these comedians, and you know they’re never going to get anywhere because they’re believing their own shit. This bitch was still hustling in her 80s! She took no prisoners, she never apologized and she did what she had to do. And she was respected for it. That’s something I look to and say, “That is how you do it, a hard-ass bitch to the end.” I appreciated that time with her, and it shows that if you keep hustling, something is bound to happen.