We’ve Found the Perfect Christmas Gift: This Studio Ready Butt Scrub
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Yes, it’s a butt scrub. Yes, such a thing exists. Yes, its tagline, “Sit on his face with confidence,” deserves a freaking Pulitzer. And yes, it could just be the perfect Christmas gift.
The range is inspired by products used behind-the-scenes in adult film production, which is why the brand is called Studio Ready. It makes a lot of promises, including that it makes eating ass more enjoyable, but also that it will deter ingrown hairs and bumps, give you smoother skin down there, and even help fade discoloration. The reviews are very detailed.
From the Studio Ready butt scrub FAQ section:
Studio Ready is different because it complements the natural scent of your skin. You won’t taste exactly like coffee — that’s a common misconception. In fact, the coffee and ingredients in Studio Ready reset olfactory glands in your nose so you can experience his most natural scent.
So while it’s a coffee scrub, no, it won’t make you smell or taste like coffee down there. (This butt scrub promises a “a natural, musky, welcoming scent.”
As for what makes it the perfect Christmas gift, obviously it’s not the type of thing you’d gift to mom or dad. But if you still need to shop for your significant other — male, female or enby — what could be better than something you’ll both make use of?
I mean, technically this butt scrub could be considered a “relationship therapy tool.” Let’s just say it’ll create an entirely new level of intimacy for you and your partner — or partners!
And not that it needed to be said, but this butt scrub comes in handy just as much — if not more so — for single people. Give yourself a gift this holiday season — a perfectly smooth, exfoliated bum that smells great! Santa would want you to treat yourself.
If you’re still on the fence about Studio Ready’s butt scrub, feel free to check out StudioReady.com and read more about its amazing line of products. And check them out on Instagram, where customers regularly gush over how much they love the butt scrub and other grooming products.