TikTok Star: ‘Coming Out as Vegan Is Much More Special Than Coming Out as LGBTQ’
A woman known as ‘That Vegan Teacher’ regularly posts short videos about animal rights and a Vegan diet on TikTok. (With an occasional off-key musical interlude thrown in for good measure.) And she’s amassed quite the audience doing so, with 1.3 million followers on the platform. But she’s recently drawn ire for one controversial post in particular. In one video she claims coming out as vegan is “much more special” than coming out as LGBTQ.
While the video has some supporters who agree with her hot take, many more have let her have it. Some in more hilarious ways than others.
That Vegan Teacher, also known as Miss Kadie, says she’s on TikTok “to help animals & all who are oppressed.” In addition to her more-than-one-million followers, her videos have received 26 million likes. But while her videos typically focus on the noble causes of supporting animal rights and eating a healthy vegan diet, her belief that coming out as vegan is “much more special” than coming out as LGBTQ seems to be a bridge too far for many.
The That Vegan Teacher video at issue was in response to another user’s comment: “Coming out as vegan is not as special as coming out as gay/lesbian. I am lesbian myself. Vegan is a diet, not a sexuality.”