New York City Bar Threatens to Throw Out Patrons Who Use the Word ‘Literally’
English speakers have literally ruined the English language by literally overusing the word “literally” to refer to figurative things. (Like, when a literally alive person says, “I literally died when he told me that.”) Anyway, one bar in the East Village, Manhattan has literally had enough and will literally throw out any patrons who use the word “literally” in their establishment. But will the Continental Bar literally throw out people who use that bar, or are they just speaking figuratively?
Did Continental Bar literally ban the word “literally”?
The Continental bar at Third Avenue on Saint Marks Place in New York City has signs posted on the outside and inside of the bar that read:
Sorry, but if you say the word ‘literally’ inside Continental, you have five minutes to finish your drink and then you must leave.
If you actually start a sentence with ‘literally ‘you must leave immediately.’
This is the most overused annoying word in the English language and we will not tolerate it. Stop Kardashianism now!
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A PIX11 news reporter mentioned that the bar also has other “curmudgeonly” signs, like another in all-caps reading, “Bars are not required to serve tap water. Restaurants are. I got tired of running out of plastic cups and ice so people can have tap water with their $2 shots.” There’s also another which simply reads, “The customer is always wrong.”
But the bar isn’t literally throwing out people who say “literally.” Several patrons said they’ve used the word several times without consequence.
In fact, the bar’s owner, Trigger Smith, said, “My ban is tongue in cheek. It’s fake news. I’m just trying to shake things up a little and possibly enlighten people to be a little more respectful of the English language. We are not literally throwing people out. Yet!”
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The bar will close on July 1, 2018 after three decades of operating as a dive bar and a former music venue.
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