This Hornet User, a Nurse in Paris, Has a Message for His Fellow Gay Men in the Time of Coronavirus
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There’s not a person around the globe who at this point hasn’t been affected by COVID-19. Even those of us who haven’t been infected have had our lives turned upside-down given our countries’ orders to stay home and self-quarantine. And then there are the medical professionals — brave people who are doing their part, leaving their homes and risking it all, to help the world at large.
People like Laurent, a 30-year-old Hornet user based in Paris, who works as a nurse in a pediatric hospital. He’s cared for many people in ICU, and we asked him to share his personal coronavirus experience with all of us. He’s troubled by how many guys aren’t staying at home and are risking infection for themselves and others, so we have decided to give him this platform.
Below you’ll find Laurent’s coronavirus message. Head here to read it in French.
Hello everyone,
I’m a nurse. A superhero supposedly, according to our dear president.
But no, I’m an average person who works in a pediatric hospital, but one that has turned into an adult hospital to receive patients with COVID-19. In addition, to help my colleagues as well as possible, I am going to adult VOC resuscitation. I’ve seen so many people who are intubated and ventilated by machines with a tube in their throat. My daily routine: I get up, have a coffee or several, go to take a shower and then rush in my car to work.
I wear the FFP2 masks — you know, the duck masks, which leave marks on my face and nose — and I take care of patients from 15 to 80 years in age who are under artificial ventilation, the machines that force the body to breathe in and out. I try to have a smile on while I’m around my patients, and embrace the joy of living, but it’s difficult when I come home and see offers from guys who want to hookup or meet up. I say to myself, no, do you want to be on a respirator? Do you really want a probe in your mouth?
Please stay home! #stayathome
I’m a gay nurse, but I have a left hand to have fun instead of going to meet boys. Please hear my message.
Please, everyone, heed Laurent’s words and stay at home while the world deals with COVID-19. There’s no better course of action to help “flatten the curve,” and staying at home could very well save lives.