Catch a Glimpse of Hunky Chef Franco Noriega’s Meat in an Instagram Story
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We know you love the “Sexiest Chef in the World,” Franco Noriega, and you’d like to see more of him. He’s certainly not shy, as the various articles we’ve posted with him in various states of undress illustrate, but in a recent Instagram story, we finally get to see the fabled Franco Noriega penis.
Noriega took a video of himself in the bath, helpfully labeled with his location, NYC. It opens with a shot from the face-fronting camera — as we can tell by the bottle of evoD shampoo behind him — though when he swaps camera, he accidentally reveals a little too much. We can see his hand cupping his cock’n’balls, though the camera quickly shifts upward to his knees.
It may not be the sexiest, most explicit shot in the world, but we’re not complaining. After seeing his nice bulge in shot after shot, it’s nice to at least get a glimpse of what’s under those shorts. We don’t think this is what people are normally talking about when they talk about “food porn.” Still, who wouldn’t want to nom on that?
RELATED | Hunky Chef Franco Noriega Serves Up Hot Cakes in a Sexy Butt Shot
Lest you think Noriega is just a pretty face (and body…), he’s also opening a new, bigger location of his Peruvian chicken restaurant Baby Brase after closing the location on NYC’s Lower East Side. The LES location closed due to an electrical outage on the block that made it impossible to run his restaurant. But it’s ultimately a good thing — where the older location was tiny and mostly takeout, the new location on West 50th Street and Ninth Avenue has 69 seats. (Nice.)
Though we’re still not sure when the Hell’s Kitchen location will open, you can still go to the West Village Baby Brasa, which seats 90, plus a private dining room.