Here’s What the New #HornetV6 Means for You, the Hornet User
Maybe you’ve seen the big news, either through us or through the BBC, which broke the news earlier this week: We have officially unveiled Hornet Version 6, the latest iteration of the world’s premier gay social network. The new features of #HornetV6 make the app better, safer and more technologically advanced — and, most importantly, it’s now easier than ever to showcase your authentic self on the app.
Authenticity is key on Hornet. There aren’t many places where gay, bi, trans and queer men feel like they can share and post as their truly authentic selves. Hornet is that platform for more than 25 million people worldwide, a place where our users connect with each other via one-on-one chat and by engaging over photo and story content.
So what’s new about Hornet Version 6?
First things first, Hornet Version 6 has redesigned user profiles.
Your Hornet profile is a portrait of who you are, and your authentic self should shine through. Whether you love to travel the world, keep up with international news, are a gamer at home or love playing sports, those are the type of qualities that make you who are you are. The new Hornet profile is designed to amplify those parts of yourself.
On your profile’s main page, that’s where other users can learn all about you in your own words. If you’re a contributor to some of Hornet’s community programs, those badges will appear here, too, along with your stats and your profile’s photos (both featured and private). A separate section of your Hornet profile contains a personalized feed — your actions within the app, including your own photo posts (Moments), story shares and posts by others you’ve liked. And yet another section of your Hornet profile displays your Moments in chronological order.
And along with the newly redesigned Hornet profile, we’ve also rebuilt the ‘edit profile’ experience in order to give you more freedom and more ways to express yourself. We’ve increased the length of what you can say about yourself, and we’ve added a field for you to share your location. And with a new streamlined interface, you can say it louder and say it prouder.
Hornet Version 6 introduces the Hornet Badge, a first-of-its-kind way to easily recognize the most genuine profiles on Hornet.
It’s not difficult to earn a Hornet Badge, because you do so simply by doing the things you already do: sharing moments of your life with your followers, commenting on stories and sparking discussions with guys around the world, and filling out your profile to create a portrait of who you are. When you see another profile hearing the Hornet Badge, you can be sure that he, too, is an authentic and active member of our community.
Hornet Version 6 also makes it easy to track your progress towards earning a Hornet Badge, and you can do so right from your profile. If you haven’t earned one yet, you can see some of the suggested actions you can take to get there sooner.
Hornet Version 6 also features an all-new inbox to keep the conversation going.
Chat is at the very heart of Hornet. It’s one of the most important ways we make connections. And with such a vibrant and diverse community, our inboxes can quickly become full with conversations from all manners of guys. And it can be easy to lose track of an important conversation.
The new inbox makes it easier to focus on the conversations that matter most. Your “primary inbox” is the home of your active conversations and the chats that you’ve initiated. Here you’ll also find new chats from guys with a Hornet Badge. Your “requests inbox” is where messages from guys who want to chat with you — but with whom you may never have interacted before — will live. When you respond to a message in your requests inbox, it automatically jumps over to your primary inbox, so you can keep the conversation going easily.
Behind the exciting improvements of Hornet Version 6 remains our commitment to your security, anytime, anywhere.
As the premier social network of the gay community and the home of authentic self-expression and meaningful connection, at Hornet we take safeguarding the app and all who use it extremely seriously. The new Hornet Badge, for instance, is yet another dimension in our ever-improving system to help keep away those who would do us harm, making Hornet a safe space for guys in every corner of the globe.
No matter where you are in the world, and no matter the time of day, we want you to be able to connect with our community with true peace of mind.