We Asked Hornet Users What They’re Most Looking Forward to Once the World Opens Up Again
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The world’s shutdown following the onset of COVID-19 has affected everyone, whether you work from home, have been forced to go to work despite the shutdown or find yourself not working at all due to the pandemic’s effects. And while there actually are parts of the globe that have seemingly been able to ‘return to normal’ — Taiwan, for example, was even able to hold an in-person Pride event last month because the island nation appears safe from the virus — we’re all ready for the entire planet to be on the other side of COVID-19. But in a post-coronavirus world (or at least post-pandemic, as the virus is likely never going away), what are you most looking forward to?
That’s the simple question we put to 200 Hornet users: What are you most looking forward to doing once the pandemic is over?
Of the Hornet users who took our informal survey, nearly 42% of guys said they’re most looking forward to traveling in a post-coronavirus world. The second most common answer (just over 30%) was having sex and hooking up. The third most common answer, at 15% of the guys who took our survey, was going to restaurants and bars.
Smaller percentages of users said that in a post-coronavirus world, they’re most looking forward to going to the gym (9%) and going to movie theaters (just under 4%).
Our informal survey also asked these 200 Hornet users about their current state of leaving the house. Just how restrictive are they being when it comes to stepping into public?
The most common response, from 43% of users, was “I rarely leave the house anymore.” Second most common (25%): “I mostly stay home, except when I go to work.” And nearly 23% of Hornet users who answered said, “I leave the house a lot, but less than I used to.”
Only small percentages of guys said, “Nothing has changed; I leave the house as much as I did before” (6%), and “I never leave the house anymore” (2.5%).
While this recent Hornet survey of post-coronavirus wishes wasn’t a scientific look at the behaviors and desires of gay men around the world, it does seem to reinforce what most of us believe to be true: the gay community is ready for the world to ‘get back to normal’ so we can return to being the social, well-traveled and sexual community we’ve worked hard to have the right to be.
What do you think of Hornet’s post-coronavirus survey results? What are you most looking forward to doing once the pandemic is over?
Featured photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash