New Study: Most Queer Gen Z Guys Are Actually ‘Out’ to Their Parents
Finally, an uplifting statistic. The American Psychological Association recently reported that over half of queer Generation Z guys in America are out to their parents. Generation Z is classified as those being born between 1998 and 2010.
The report comes out of Northwestern University’s Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing. David A. Moskowitz, lead author of the study, had this to say:
This study is encouraging in that it shows that many teens, including those under 18 years old, are comfortable with their sexuality. At the same time, we must be cautious, as the data also point to some of the same barriers and discrimination that previous generations have faced. Work still needs to be done.
Over 1,900 queer Generation Z guys (assigned male at birth, AMAB) — ages ranging from 13 to 18 — were surveyed between January 2018 – January 2020 as part of an HIV prevention study. All of them identified as gay, bisexual or as being attracted to others regardless of gender.
The study states that “[openly] identifying as a sexual minority has become more prevalent now than in years. This may be attributable, in part, to increased political and societal acceptance of individuals identifying as gay, bisexual, queer/questioning or pansexual. Today, GBQP individuals more readily appear in popular culture and social media, sports, politics, and business marketing.”
See what happens when we have representation?
The survey asked both demographic (race, age, etc.) and social (religious affiliation) questions. The queer Generation Z guys were also presented with a number of statements they had to answer on a 1-to-4 agree/disagree scale, such as, “Sometimes I think that if I were straight, I would be happier.”
At the end, the study found that over half of those queer Generation Z guys surveyed (66%) were out to their mothers or other female parental figures, and 49% were out to their fathers or other male parental figures.
The importance of this study?
Moskowitz said:
This gives us an understanding of the factors that move teenagers to share this type of information with the people closest to them. We can now compare these practices with how other generations deal with these issues and think about what it all means for future generations.
He also mentioned that the next step would be to do a similar study with queer Generation Z ladies.
You can read the full study here.
What do you think this study on queer Generation Z guys says about the future of LGBTQ+ culture and acceptance?
Photo at top by Parker Gibbons on Unsplash