Unexpectedly Romantic: Redditor Falls in Love With His Ex-Girlfriend’s Husband

Unexpectedly Romantic: Redditor Falls in Love With His Ex-Girlfriend’s Husband

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This Redditor (25M) might have fallen in love with his ex-girlfriend’s husband … and the story of questioning sexuality is too sweet not to share.

Our Redditor (we’ll call him OP) took to r/relationship_advice a couple of months ago to spill his dilemma. He had begun a relationship with a woman at work, not knowing she was married — until the husband walked in on them.

Cue description of husband.

OP describes him as: “Really beautiful. Like inexpressible levels of handsome. I felt floored the first time I saw him. I distinctly remember thinking that he was prettier than any woman I had ever seen. They had begun a loud argument (obviously), and it was embarrassing because all I could do was stare at him the whole time.”

Yep — sounds like a crush to us.

OP, feeling guilty about the situation, wanted to make amends with the husband so a few days later he went by their place to talk to him. They talked for a long time. In fact, they enjoyed each other’s company so much that the husband reached out to OP a month later just to hang out. They became close. Like — very close. Like — OP literally moved into husband’s (now ex-husband, but we’ll continue to call him “husband” for clarity’s sake) house close.

“The dilemma begins for me here,” OP writes of his questioning sexuality situation.

“I’ve never liked a man. I don’t know what it’s like and if it’s different. I grew up in a liberal household but to actually experience these feelings is a lot more different. When I liked girls, it was like butterflies in my stomach. But with him, it’s like a hurricane that makes me feel like I’ll burst if I don’t kiss him. I want to protect him, from his ex wife (she still tries to contact him) and any other thing that even tries to hurt him. And I want to make him laugh and smile and I want myself to be the only thing on his mind.”

At this point it’s impossible not to be rooting for these guys. OP has a lot of questions. He wants to know if it’s possible for his sexuality to bend for just one person, how the husband will potentially react when he confesses his feelings, how to let him know that his comfort is his priority.

And the Redditors came through with their comments! So much so that OP posted an update and thanked them for their helpful advice.

“I realised that it would probably be a good idea for me to take some time to understand my relationship with him before doing something erratic,” he explains in his post. OP began talking through the situation with a therapist, and also working through his relationship in conversation with the husband himself. And then, when he finally decided he didn’t have any doubts about his feelings, he asked the husband out.

The husband, initially, said no.

Then very quickly he changed his mind, and said yes.

And, yes, we need Netflix to pick this storyline up immediately.

OP finished his update by saying their first date was a success, they had decided to take it slow, and there was still a lot he needed to figure out.

“I can’t thank all of you enough for the support. The only reason I know I’m doing this right is because the advice you gave to me,” he writes.

Many of the comments are positive, encouraging and downright happy for the couple. Of course, there are some who don’t buy a word of this, and are convinced it’s completely made up. Whatever the truth may be — since there’s no way of knowing for sure — it’s an undeniably heartwarming story of questioning sexuality. 

What advice would you have for this Redditor and his story of questioning sexuality?

Photo at top by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

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