Islam News and Stories

Indonesia Threatened to Ban All of Instagram Due to This One Gay Artist

The Muslim nation has threatened to make the platform inaccessible due to one gay artist and his comic strips

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Editors' Picks
The Daily Sting, Thursday: Most U.S. Muslims Support Gay Marriage, Fake LGBTQ Helpline Exposed

Among today’s headlines, a majority of U.S. Muslims support gay marriage, and a fake LGBTQ helpline created by Russian bots discovered

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Germans Overwhelmingly Support LGBTQ Community, Overwhelmingly Hate Muslims

Seventy percent of Germans would be find if their kid came out as gay. But that same percentage things hijabs should be banned.

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An Indonesian Crowd Cheers While Two Men Are Publicly Caned for Having Gay Sex

This despite it being said Indonesian caning displays would start to occur privately to avoid unflattering viral videos that might turn off investors

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