Cringe! Trinity the Tuck’s Secret Reddit Account Exposes a Litany of Bad Behavior
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Does Trinity the Tuck have a suspicious secret Reddit past? It would appear so, as the latest Trinity the Tuck Reddit drama is all drag lovers are talking about these days.
On January 6, a Twitter user asked the drag star, who appeared on Season 9 of RuPaul’s Drag Race and co-won Season 4 of Drag Race All Stars, if she used the Reddit account u/SHEdevilBYnight. Specifically, the user shared a screenshot of the account’s profile and asked, “this you?” to which Trinity responded with, “Oh yes! I’m still on Reddit!”
That led to several Trinity and Drag Race fans looking up the secret Reddit account, where they discovered what can only be described as a mess.
The thing is, you can look up a Reddit user’s past comments and posts if you go to the account’s profile page. What fans found was a long list of transphobic, racist, thirsty and overall unsavory comments. Of course, r/SpoiledDragRace has been having a field day.
In one post, this Trinity the Tuck Reddit account responded to a comment calling Trinity transphobic:
She was never transphobic! People jumped on that bandwagon and she clearly clarified many many times. How many times are we going to go through this?
Then after a user pushed further, u/SHEdevilBYnight claimed they were transgender:
I disagree. I’m trans and I wasn’t offended. What she said could have been worded much better but was not transphobic.
Another highlighted comment was made in response to a post about Trinity’s rat earrings. Her secret Reddit account responded by saying, “Her legal name on fb is Ryan Ashton Taylor. Maybe a inside thing with her initials.”
What people picked up on, however, was the fact that u/SHEdevilBYnight chose to use an emoji of a Black woman shrugging … not a good look.
And then there are the several posts rejecting the talents of fellow All Stars competitors Monet X Change and Monique Heart. Many of the posts (like this one, or this one, or this one, or this one, or this one … seriously folks, there are so many of these) focus on u/SHEdevilBYnight saying Monet and Monique shouldn’t have won AS4 or All Stars competitions.
And even that’s not all. The account didn’t only hate on Monique and Monet; it also had nasty words for YouTuber James Charles:
I feel like when he talks he probably spits a lot. I just can’t get past him. In the words of a very wise woman ‘ugh Jesus gross’
But let’s not forget all the thirst. From Milk to Aquaria to Frisbee Jenkins, Tatianna and Kahanna Montrese, you’d be surprised how many “Daddies” u/SHEdevilBYnight has.
As the account user said about Aquaria, “The things I would do to him. Consensual of course!” (Thanks for the clarification.)
Lastly, as you might expect, the account happens to LOVE Trinity the Tuck. From defending Trinity after the drag star apologized for calling out RuPaul to defending Trinity after a fight with Jade. There’s also a comment praising Trinity’s quarantine show and a calling Trinity her “pageant sister.”
Is this account really Trinity the Tuck’s secret Reddit account? Honestly, it’s looking very likely, most especially because the drag star admitted it herself. A few days later, however, the drag star denied it all, saying, “People will make up and believe ANYTHING.”
To be fair, it’s possible that original tweet was sarcastic. Still, many Drag Race fans are suspicious. The account was too heavily in Trinity’s favor, it spoke too much like her, and even Trinity admitted to using it. Plus, since fans started calling out the Trinity the Tuck Reddit account, it has been deleted. Thankfully, Reddit makes it so those old comments don’t disappear with the account.
So we’ll have the receipts on hand for years to come.