These 8 Hornet Users Had Our Favorite Posts of the Past Week

These 8 Hornet Users Had Our Favorite Posts of the Past Week

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With more than 30 million users around the world, on any given day the Hornet Feed features slices of life from a wide variety of guys. So in an attempt to highlight the diversity of our userbase and showcase some of our favorite Feed contributions, we’ve gathered our 5 favorite posts from the past week.

Here are our 8 favorite posts by Hornet users from the past week:

1. Shadi from Syria (@shadi223)

2. Serg from Ukraine (@serg_grish)

3. Ramzish from France (@ramzish93)

4. Sadam from Indonesia (@kazingdm)

5. Shien from Taiwan (@shien)

6. Kostantine from Russia (@_1kostya)

7. Cooper from Thailand (@arme_big)

8. Sascha from France (@i_m_sascha)

If you’d like to be featured in the Hornet Feed, head here for more info on our Featured Guys program. And head to for tons more great posts by 30 million guys worldwide.

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