The #GreatGayStayIn of 2020: Here’s How 13 Hornet Users Are Spending Their #LGBTQuarantine
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With more than 25 million users around the world, on any given day the Hornet Feed features slices of life from a wide variety of guys. And, yes, that includes during this #GreatGayStayIn of 2020! Guys around the world are stuck at home, social distancing, but continuing to be social through interaction and engagement with the community. How are YOU spending your #LGBTQuarantine?
We wanted to showcase how Hornet users from around the world are spending their time while alone at home. Some are staying fit with tailored-for-the-living-room workouts, while others are catching up on their reading lists. Some are self-quarantining all alone, while others are lucky to have a partner at home with them.
Here are 13 of our favorite #GreatGayStayIn posts from the past week:
1. Don Carlo from Germany (@que.guapo) is staying healthy by keeping up with his fitness at home.
2. Charl from South Africa (@charlbinneman) is getting all his shopping done before he’s stuck in #LGBTQuarantine.
3. Alex from USA (@alexla) has an important reminder for all our HIV-positive users.
4. Rafa from Brazil (@mr.mustache) is taking time to reminisce over his recent travels.
5. Cooper from Thailand (@arme_big) is home relaxing above the water.
6. Maurice from France (@mauricestyle) is spending the day in bed with a good book.
7. Arisdo from Indonesia (@arisdo) has an important message to share with the world.
8. Dan from Russia (@revolut) celebrated with birthday during the #GreatGayStayIn. Here’s hoping for a celebration with friends once the quarantine is over!
9. Gael from Brazil (@gaelaugusto) is spending his time at home with bae.
10. Juan from Mexico (@juanoor) is reminding his fellow Hornet users that saying home is the best course of action during this #GreatGayStayIn.
11. Alexander from UK (@fdmup) is catching up on some reading and contemplating what’s for dinner.
12. Zaki from Indonesia (@azaki07) knows there’s no better time for a selfie photoshoot than while you’re home alone with nothing to do.
13. Badru from Indonesia (@__badru) has put together a great message from all of Hornet’s Indonesian Featured Guys.
Head here for more info on Hornet’s Featured Guys program.
And head to Hornet.com for tons of great posts by more than 25 million guys.