The #GreatGayStayIn of 2020: Here’s How 12 Hornet Users Are Spending Their #LGBTQuarantine

The #GreatGayStayIn of 2020: Here’s How 12 Hornet Users Are Spending Their #LGBTQuarantine

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With more than 25 million users around the world, on any given day the Hornet Feed features slices of life from a wide variety of guys. And, yes, that includes during this #GreatGayStayIn of 2020! Guys around the world are stuck at home, social distancing, but continuing to be social through interaction and engagement with the community. How are YOU spending your #LGBTQuarantine?

We wanted to showcase how Hornet users from around the world are spending their time while alone at home. Some are staying fit with tailored-for-the-living-room workouts, while others are catching up on their reading lists. Some are self-quarantining all alone, while others are lucky to have a partner at home with them.

Here are 12 of our favorite #GreatGayStayIn posts from the past week:

1. Gabriel from Brazil (@gabmoterani)

2. Gilles from France (@.gilles.)

3. Nikolay from Russia (@dare_2dream)

4. Guncles from USA (@guncles)

5. Sergie from Ukraine (@serg_grish)

6. Cooper from Thailand (@arme_big)

7. Charlie from South Africa (@charlbinneman)

8. Augus from Thailand (@callmeaugus)

9. Migi from Indonesia (@migi06)

10. Onur from Turkey (@theoa.)

11. Juan from Mexico (@juanoor)

12. Rafa from Brazil (@mr.mustache)

Head here for more info on Hornet’s Featured Guys program. And head to for tons of great posts by more than 25 million guys.

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