Donald Trump Had a Huge White House Dinner for Rabid Anti-LGBTQ Evangelicals (Photos)
Approximately 81% of Evangelicals voted in favor of U.S. President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, so it’s hardly surprising that he threw a White House dinner last night inviting a bunch of conservative Christian homophobes including longtime anti-LGBTQ pastors and activists who consider all LGBTQ people child molesters and want to re-criminalize gay sex. His daughter Ivanka attended the Trump Evangelical dinner and even took a picture with one of the worst.
The attendees of the Trump Evangelical dinner included James Dobson, founder of the hideously anti-LGBTQ Family Research Council (FRC); Tony Perkins, President of the FRC who calls LGBTQ identity a deadly but curable illness; Jim Garlow, a pastor who thinks that Satan created homosexuality to destroy God’s image upon Earth; Franklin Graham, son of evangelical pastor Billy Graham, who calls trans people “pedophiles and sexually perverted men;” trans people Robert Jeffress, a Baptist megachurch pastor who says all gay men want to molest children; Ralph Reed, founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, who opposes any sorts of LGBTQ rights; Michelle Bachmann, a politician who calls homosexuality a health risk and who thinks black families were better under slavery; and others.
Trump’s daughter Ivanka even posed for a photo alongside Jeffress and Bachmann (above), further destroying the myth of her as a pro-LGBTQ influence in the White House.
In a speech he made at the Trump Evangelical dinner, the President said, “As you know, in recent years, the government tried to undermine religious freedom. But the attacks on communities of faith are over. We’ve ended it.”
He then went down a list of his administration’s pro-Christian policies (most of which largely oppose LGBTQ rights): signing a religious liberty executive order in May 2017, creating a “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” in the Department of Health to allow medical staff to refuse care to LGBTQ people; and establishing a U.S. Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom which calls state-sponsored anti-LGBTQ murder a form of “religious freedom.”