Make the Most of #MayThe4th With These ‘Star Wars’ Sex Toys
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An informal annual commemoration of one of the biggest fantasy franchises of all time, May 4 (#MayThe4th or #MayTheFourth as you’ll see it shared on social media) is a day to sit back and honor the brainchild of George Lucas. Or lay back and honor your G-spot, as we’d like to throw out there. With Star Wars sex toys.
Oh yeah, they exist.
Back in 2017 on the heels of Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi — then the space opera’s latest installment — Geeky Sex Toys released a line of Star Wars sex toys allowing fans to experience The Force in a (w)hole new way.
And several items in the Star Wars sex toys line are still available for purchase.
The Star Toys line includes several light-up dildo lightsabers (which Geeky Sex Toys refer to as “laser swords” for reasons you can likely imagine) and a “Dark Side” bondage kit that includes a mouth ball-gag shaped like the Death Star.
We’re particularly partial to the Darth Vibrator. *Cue heavy breathing*
Geeky Sex Toys’ line of Star Wars sex toys initially included even more designs — a fleshlight-like device resembling Han Solo trapped in carbonite, a dildo in the shape of Yoda’s dick, a C-3P0 butt plug — that are sadly no longer available to our pervy, geeky friends.
And if you’re not a big enough fan for Star Wars sex toys but something like the MCU, Rick and Morty or Batman is more up your alley (so to speak), Geeky Sex Toys has special offerings for you, too.
Geeky Sex Toys was also the retailer behind the 2016 Pokémoan dildos and buttplugs — tagline: “Gotta get ’em all!” — that became popular around the release of the augmented reality smartphone game, Pokémon Go, a game which also spawned Pokémon Go dick pics.
And if you’re really geeky (in a sexy kind of way), you might enjoy learning some fun facts about orgasms, like the six parts of the brain stimulated during your ‘O face’!