#ThisWeekInThirst: The Best Bulges and an Instagram Thirst Trap
It’s the dog days of August and who isn’t utterly parched? (Get it? Because when it’s hot you want to drink liquid? But everyone’s going around shirtless so we can lust after ’em? Get it? Aw, you get it.) In this week’s look at the best thirst we’ve discovered, we take a look at the best bulges out there, a sexy Instagram thirst trap that needs a new home and who knew that Obama would be out there providing #SummerGoals?
Click on the titles below for the full story, and enjoy this thirst roundup!
The 30 Best Celebrity Underwear Bulges of the 21st Century
Today is National Underwear Day, so what better way to celebrate than to look at these fellows with the best bulges who make us thankful for whoever invented underwear. (It was Arthur Kneibler, at least as far as the first briefs go. You’ve got Jacob Golomb to thank for the first boxers. Bet you didn’t expect to learn anything from this!)
‘Summer Penis’ Is Real, Y’All: Experts Say There’s a Reason Your Bulge Is a Bit Bigger
Sure, summer brings swimming, which brings shrinkage. But thankfully, summer taketh away, but summer also giveth — when you’re warm, your package looks just that much larger. Thanks, summer!
For the First Time Ever, Barcelona’s Circuit Festival Is Coming to the Sunny Shores of Miami in 2018
What are you doing this November? You could go and celebrate Thanksgiving… or you could have the time of your life at Circuit Festival. We know what we’d choose.
‘Man Made’ Goes Beyond Transitioning Tales as a Revealing Documentary About Trans Bodybuilders
To be honest, Man Made goes way beyond simple thirst, and you should check it out because it’s a great film. But we also like seeing the parade of sexy guys.
And the Latest Male Erotica Insta Account Unfairly Banned From the Platform Is …
Oh, Instagram — you need to get way better when it comes to gay content. Thankfully, the guys at Greeks Come True have an FB and an official website — and we’ve saved some of our favorite pics you can see in our article, too.
These 10 Sexy Celebs Show That the Male Crop Top Never Really Ever Went Away
Bare that belly!
‘Love, Simon’ Star Keiynan Lonsdale Leaves Little to the Imagination in Steamy Bathroom Selfies
Though he was in Love, Simon, in real life Keiynan Lonsdale is 26 years old, so we don’t feel creepy drooling over these photos.
Alex Jones Says Obama Has Sex With ’10 Dudes a Day.’ Sounds Like a Party to Us
While this isn’t true — obviously, Alex Jones said it — it does give us some #FitnessGoals to work towards. Dude’s 56, and doing 10 guys a day? Damn!
This Congressman Likes Bigfoot Erotica, But We’re More Concerned About the White Supremacy
This story isn’t really sexy, but, honestly, who among us doesn’t want to bang Bigfoot?