‘Pose’ Superstar Dominique Jackson Offers 3 Tips for Financial and Life Success
Dominique Jackson is not only a gorgeous fashion model, she’s one of our favorite characters on FX’s hit show, Pose. She recently sat down with us on an episode of our podcast Queer Money to talk about her life — and we even got to hear Dominique Jackson’s money tips.
Before she became a fashion model and TV star, Dominique Jackson bravely moved from her home in Tobago in 1990 to New York City. Life didn’t get easier upon her arrival in the United States. Jackson says, “From leaving my island of Tobago to ending up where I am now was a difficult process.”
But Jackson’s a survivor. She’s overcome struggles with alcohol, drugs and financial insecurity. She’s survived sexual and physical abuse, sex work and transphobia. Jackson now uses her struggles as fuel for her career and to serve our community.
This supermodel role model shares her lifetime of wisdom on this episode of Queer Money.
Dominique Jackson’s money tips:
1. Be your true self
Jackson asks “If your community tells you you’re an abomination, that you’re nothing and that you’ll never amount to anything, why would you love yourself? Why would you save money? Why set goals?” It didn’t take long for her to learn that to survive she couldn’t let others’ perceptions be her reality. So, she stopped listening to them.
Jackson learned that she just wanted their respect and that the only way she could gain that was by living authentically. She says, “I’m now comfortable being the woman that I am.”
2. Think in abundance
Admittedly, Jackson did lots of modeling for free when she first started, knowing this would eventually pay off. She refused to feel defeated when other models got gigs she wanted. Jackson trusted that the right opportunities would come to her.
This mindset paid off when, in 2009, designer Adrian Alicea made Jackson a resident model and put her in Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, which led to a role on the television show, Strut, and she eventually joined Asuncion’s all-trans modeling agency, Slay and FX’s Pose.
3. Give back
Jackson’s always felt a responsibility to give back to her community, even when she had little to give. Much of her time and energy goes towards serving as the Director of Programing for Destination Tomorrow, an LGBTQ community center in the Bronx.
Because of her struggles and ability to survive, Jackson connects with LGBTQ youth in ways many cannot. She’s also concerned about our older LGBTQ brothers and sisters. Jackson continues, “We have people in our community turning 50 who can’t read or write because they can’t feel safe where these programs are offered.” With Destination Tomorrow, Jackson’s changing that.
Thus, Jackson’s recipe for success is to be authentic, think abundantly and give. Try it. It’ll work for you too.
Listen to Dominique Jackson’s money tips on Queer Money below:
What do you think of Dominque Jackson’s money tips?
With their writing and speaking for DebtFreeGuys.com and Queer Money™ podcast, David Auten and John Schneider help queer people live fabulously, not fabulously broke. Their goal is to connect LGBTQ people with the information and services they need so queer individuals and the community can do more and be more.
Featured photo by Gary Gershoff/WireImage