Russell Tovey Just Surprise-Announced His Engagement, But How ‘Butch’ Is His Fiancé?
Russell Tovey, the openly gay actor who offended scores of people after his March 2015 interview expressing gratitude for not being “really effeminate,” recently announced his engagement to his boyfriend, Steve Brockman. There’s no date yet for when the actor will tie the knot, but considering his preference for butchness, we’re wondering, how butch is Russell Tovey’s fiancé?
Before we get into this, know that we’re partly poking fun. In his March 2015 interview with The Guardian, Tovey — an actor who has played several hunky roles starring in Looking, Quantico and a recent CW superhero crossover event — thanked his dad for sending him to a school where he wasn’t allowed to prance around, sing in the street and be “really effeminate,” otherwise he wouldn’t have grown up to be a butch actor who lands non-gay-acting roles.
After anger for Tovey’s femme-shaming, he later apologized, stating, “Things come out the way you don’t intend them to. It was a very upsetting time for me. I wasn’t expecting that sort of attention. … I learned a lot from it and I’ve grown from it. It’s made me feel more impassioned about my responsibility, which I took for granted.”
But we decided to look into how butch Russell Tovey’s fiancé is. We’re aware the entire concept of butchness is based on macho stereotypes that are as outdated and potentially toxic as they are gendered and dumb, but seeing as many queer people still ascribe to the butch-femme dichotomy, let’s play along for a sec.
Russell Tovey’s fiancé Steve Brockman is a rugby player with the Kings Cross Steelers, England’s first-ever gay-inclusive rugby union club. He’s also a former gay porn performer and fitness coach who occasionally posts thirst-inducing pics of himself on his Instagram. An athlete who spends his time lifting weights at the gym? Considering the number of effeminate athletes and vain gym bunnies we’ve met, we can’t decide whether that’s butch or not.
Looking at his pictures below, perhaps we’ll give him a few extra butch points for having two dogs, boring home décor, body hair and tattoos — très masculin.
Russell Tovey’s fiancé also proposed to the actor, which according to ridiculous traditional gender roles is “the man’s role,” so … that probably counts as butch for the actor.
Cattiness aside, we wish Russell and Steve the best of luck, and congratulations on their new engagement.