At London’s G-A-Y, Lily Allen Dedicated Her Song ‘F*ck You’ to Alleged Journalist Piers Morgan
We’ve loved Lily Allen since the beginning of her career, with the catchy single “Smile.” And we’ve hated Piers Morgan for even longer. So we’re glad to announce both a new Lily Allen album (No Shame, available now) and that she took to the stage at London’s famous G-A-Y on Saturday night to call out everyone’s least favorite alleged journalist.
Though the concert at G-A-Y was focused on new material, she did include a few older classics in her set. Of course there was the aforementioned “Smile,” along with “Not Fair,” her plea for oral sex equality. But our favorite moment was when she dedicated It’s Not Me, It’s You‘s “Fuck You” to Piers Morgan.
Though “Fuck You” was originally written about George W. Bush, it makes sense with Piers Morgan as well. Lyrics include “So you say it’s not OK to be gay / Well, I think you’re just evil.”
Morgan infamously used his position as editor of News of the World to try to frame a gay youth group as a pedophilic sex ring. Morgan has gone on anti-trans rants, too, railing against gender-neutral clothing and repeatedly asking trans people — sometimes even the same person more than once — about their genitalia.
Though Lily Allen doesn’t need a reason to hate Piers Morgan (that’s just common sense), she does have one. Recently Morgan criticized her for wearing a necklace shaped like a machine pistol MAC-10. He wrote, “Why have you got a machine gun around your neck?” and she replied, “I’ll stop wearing the necklace when you apologize for hacking the phones of dead children. Deal? Calling me reprehensible for wearing a necklace …” referring to the phone-hacking scandal from Morgan’s time editing the Daily Mirror.
As we know from the time he complained about this hilarious image of Morgan rimming Donald Trump, Morgan absolutely can’t let anything lie. He kept responding, ultimately saying that Allen was banned from appearing on his television show, Good Morning Britain, “until or if your new album is a hit. So probably never.”
No Shame, Lily Allen’s newest album, entered the U.K. charts this week at Number 5. It’s doing well abroad, at #3 on the iTunes chart for Brazil and in the Top 10 on the U.S. iTunes charts.
Don’t expect her to go on the show, though. As Allen tweeted, “There would be no incentive to come and talk to you if an album was already a commercial success. That’s not how promotion works.”