The ‘Sense8’ Finale Trailer Has All the Explosive Action and Queer Romance You’d Expect
This past June, Sense8 — the Wachowski Sisters’ incredibly queer sci-fi series that was cancelled after just two seasons and a Christmas special — announced that it would wrap up with a two-hour finale episode. Well, buckle up because the Sense8 finale trailer is here and it looks as explosive and sexy as you’d expect it to.
In case you hadn’t been watching, the show follows eight strangers from different parts of the world — each of different races, gender and sexualities — who suddenly become “sensates,” people who are mentally and emotionally linked. The show is also extremely queer — thought would you expect anything less from the Wachowski Sisters? Their first film was Bound, after all.
In addition to being renowned for featuring many LGBTQ characters (and the occasional steamy make out and telepathic orgy scenes), the show also won 27th Annual GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Drama Series in 2016.
Here is the Sense8 finale trailer:
While the trailer doesn’t feature the telepathic orgies we’ve come to expect from the show, it’s chock full of fighting, explosions, same-sex kisses and the warm moments that have made the series so popular.
Though Netflix canceled Sense8 last June, an outcry from fans made the streaming giant agree to bring the show back for a final two-hour episode. Series co-creator Lana Wachowski thanked the fans in a 15-minute video last August. In the clip, she said:
Sense8 is different than most shows. I know that. It’s different on purpose. I know it sounds naive maybe even cheesy, but I wanted to show where anyone from any part of the world could be the hero. I wanted to show where women could be the best fighters and men could be sensitive. I wanted a show where anyone could fall in love and live happily ever after because when I was a little kid, those kinds of shows did not exist.”
One of the truly great parts of the show’s second season was that the Sensates learned that they are not the only Sensates, and we learned that more Sensate clusters exist and are very secretive so they don’t get caught by the evil Mr. Whispers. We hope that by the end of this two-hour finale, we get to truly understand how the Sensates are all connected and how their connection works.
We may also finally get an answer for all those questions left by the last season like: Is the enigmatic Jonas good or evil? Now that the Sensates are all together, will they get the answer they were looking for? Will they save Wolfgang, the German gangster? Will Sun take revenge on her corrupt brother after going to prison for his crimes? And most importantly, will Kala meet Wolfgang and live happily ever after?